Excited to learn that Uncomputable is now printed! I'm still waiting to see a physical copy, but it should be soon. You can pre-order the book for 40% off at the Verso website. Planning some fun release events with friends and colleagues -- more on that soon. Anyone who wants to teach chapters from the book this term or next, please feel free to reach out. I'm happy to Zoom in to your class.
In the meantime here's some ephemera from the researching and drafting of the book.. which as you can see took me in some strange and interesting directions. This is from section two, which focuses on the intersection of weaving and computation through the work of Ada K. Dietz.
Planning out the loom tie-up and treadling for the weaving "AKDietz-2-3-O" by Ada K Dietz.
Analyzing and planning the weave for "AKDietz-6-2-SW" by Ada K Dietz. This was the most sophisticated work in her series of algebraic weaving patterns.
"AKDietz-6-2-SW" by Ada K Dietz -- I had to weave it twice to get it right ... but finally success! (The image on page 96 of Uncomputable actually has a glaring error -- which I decided to leave as an easter egg for attentive readers..)
Hard at work on my "computer."