Vincent Hollier -- Prehistory of Black Digital Studies

(I started researching the material below in 2018 and had mostly given up for lack of success in confirming the historical sources. Yet considering the times we live in, it seems relevant and necessary to pass along these fragments and unfinished investigations in the hopes that someone else might undertake a proper study of Vincent Hollier, who by all accounts was an interesting fellow and an important pioneer. I was able to make email contact briefly with Hollier in early summer 2020, yet he didn't respond in depth to my interview queries and I decided not to pester him further. Hollier passed away last month at the age of 77.)

Source: Jacky Lindsey

First, the basic coordinates. Anthony Wilden published a book in 1972 called System and Structure: Essays in Communication and Exchange. A lost gem that few people read anymore, System and Structure is an unclassifiable cocktail of cybernetics and continental theory that contains one of the first significant philosophical reflections on the digital and the analog.* Wilden's book would go on to influence another key text in this discourse, "Shame in the Cybernetic Fold" by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and Adam Frank. In fact I first learned of Wilden's book by reading Sedgwick and Frank's essay.

Now the important part: Inserted as an appendix between chapters seven and eight of System and Structure is a six-page graphical essay by one Vincent Hollier titled "Appendix II: Analog and Digital" (196-201). Hollier's appendix is significant because it is one of the earliest instances of Digital Studies composed by an African American.

Vincent Hollier, "Appendix II: Analog and Digital," p. 196.

My colleague Charlton McIlwain has written on the history of African Americans and computing in his book Black Software, extending that history earlier than one might expect, while also undoing the notion that Black Americans were mostly non-participants in computer history. Perhaps the story of Vincent Hollier might add another page to that history. Is Hollier's the first work of Black Digital Studies? I'm no historian. And certainly the quest for origins is a fruitless endeavor, if not also politically suspect. Regardless, Hollier's graphical essay is doubtless an important early contribution from an era with a relative paucity of archival sources. Continue reading

Informatics of Domination

This volume is going to be great. Cast of thousands. Our task was to comment on Haraway's famous "informatics of domination" chart from 1985. My text is on the trio of terms "Perfection -- Optimization -- Absolution."

Uncomputable in Chinese

Happy to see Uncomputable translated into Chinese, just recently published by Nanjing University Press. The book is now available in Chinese, Italian, and Korean translations.

The Uses of Disorder

The notable scholar David Golumbia died last year at the age of 60. At the time of his passing, he had completed the manuscript for what would become his final book, a formidable analysis and critique of the digital age titled Cyberlibertarianism: The Right-Wing Politics of Digital Technology. Please find below my review of the book published at boundary 2 online, where Golumbia had worked for several years as an editor. Few scholars of digital media were as pugnacious and insightful as David. He will be missed.

Does disorder have a politics? I suspect it must. It has a history, to be sure. Disorder is quite old, in fact, primeval even, the very precondition for the primeval, evident around the world in ancient notions of chaos, strife, or cosmic confusion. But does disorder have a politics as well? As an organizing principle, disorder achieved a certain coherence during the 1990s. In those years technology evangelists penned books with titles like Out of Control (the machines are in a state of disorder, but we like it), and The Cathedral and the Bazaar (disorderly souk good, well-ordered Canterbury bad). The avant argument in those years focused on a radical deregulation of all things, a kind of full-stack libertarianism in which machines and organisms could, and should, self-organize without recourse to rule or law. Far from corroding political cohesion, as it did for Thomas Hobbes and any number of other political theorists, disorder began to be understood in a more positive sense, as the essential precondition for a liberated politics. Or as the late David Golumbia writes in Cyberlibertarianism, the computer society of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries culminated in “the view that ‘centralized authority’ and ‘bureaucracy’ are somehow emblematic of concentrated power, whereas ‘distributed’ and ‘nonhierarchical’ systems oppose that power.” And, further, Golumbia argues that much of the energy for these kinds of political judgements stemmed from a characteristically ring-wing impulse, namely a conservative reaction to the specter of central planning in socialist and communist societies and the concomitant endorsement of deregulation and the neutering of state power more generally. Isaiah Berlin’s notion of negative liberty had eclipsed all other conceptions of freedom; many prominent authors and technologists seemed to agree that positive liberty was only ever a path to destruction. Or as Friedrich Hayek put it already in 1944, any form of positive, conscious imposition of order would inevitably follow “the road to serfdom.” Liberty would thus thrive not from rational order, but from a carefully tended form of disorder.

Continue reading at boundary 2 online

Spring seminar -- The Politics of Code

Announcing my Spring doctoral seminar on The Politics of Code. The course is open to all doctoral students at NYU, plus consortium students in the NYC area. Contact me if you have questions.

The Politics of Code

This doctoral seminar focuses on political analyses of computational media. We begin with an overview of cybernetics, information theory, systems theory, distributed networks, and theories of postmodernity. Next, we examine the rise of immaterial labor in the service economies and the extension of codified labor practices into the realm of daily life. The seminar will also consider the ramifications of data capture and the formation of coded objects and bodies. Finally, we explore networked struggle and, through it, a political theory of the present moment. The course will favor both close readings of specific technologies as well as social and cultural claims about the computer age.

The Desire Called Synthesis

Please find below my response to A Questionnaire on Art and Machine Learning published in the current issue of October magazine. The text was also translated into German and published as "Ein Begehren namens Synthese," in TEXT+KRITIK: Das Subjekt des Schreibens--Über Große Sprachmodelle, edited by Hannes Bajohr and Moritz Hiller.

Today's artificial intelligence is a tool for generating new numbers from patterns in massive piles of old numbers. Given the recent ebullience around AI, it's important not to lose sight of this. These tools are no doubt dazzling, but they are essentially next-word predictors, or next-pixel predictors. I stress today's because the history is important. Modern research into artificial intelligence began, in the decades after World War II, by using approaches grounded in logic and symbolic rationality. After this early approach largely failed, leading to an "AI winter," engineers eventually retooled with data-driven and empirical methods. Concurrent with this new wave came an unprecedented proliferation of human data via emailing, blogging, the authoring of HTML, the snapping of digital photos, etc., much of which was posted publicly or accessible internally to the cloud platforms that hosted it all. This data furnished the fuel for today's data-centric AI.

One consequence of this history is a shift in the balance between data and algorithms. Software development entails a variety of different kinds of input data (global variables, input files and databases, graphical elements for the user interface, essentially anything that can't be generated procedurally). At the same time, development requires a complex set of procedures (function calls, simple arithmetical and logical operations, if/then control structures). For many years, the normal way to do software development was to have a relatively small amount of data and a relatively large number of procedures. "Normal" is often a contested word, to be sure. But I mean everything from when Linus Torvalds built the Linux kernel to when Cory Arcangel wrote the assembly code for Super Mario Clouds. Today's AI essentially rearranges the previous proportion. Instead of a few variables and data inputs appended to a more prolonged set of procedures, we find massive amounts of data paired with a relatively small codebase. Sure, the code repository at OpenAI or Google is large, but their data stores are almost immeasurably larger. In fact, you or I could program a simple machine-learning algorithm in just a few hundred lines of code. Today's AI is not algorithmically elaborate, even if it remains data intensive. The data is heavy and the procedures are light. Continue reading

No Confidence in NYU Administration

This was sent to NYU administration this morning. The MCC departmental faculty vote was 22 supporting no confidence and 1 against.

We, the faculty of the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, in the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development have no confidence in the leadership of Linda Mills, President of New York University, and her accompanying administration.

Mills and her administration called on the NYPD to arrest NYU students and faculty peacefully protesting and participating in an encampment, on April 22 and on May 3, 2024. Her actions have endangered academic freedom and the safety of our community.

MCC furthermore calls on the administration to drop all disciplinary and criminal charges against students and faculty involved in the April 22 and May 3 encampments.

We affirm the right of peaceful assembly and protest on the NYU campus

April 26, 2024

Dear President Mills and Provost Dopico,

As faculty members in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, we condemn the decision by you and your administration to forcibly remove and arrest 120 students and faculty in Gould Plaza on the night of Monday, April 22. We affirm the right of peaceful assembly and protest on the NYU campus.

As 44 department chairs and program directors have now attested, the protest was peaceful. There was no threat to public safety, no outside activists, nor were there any suggestions of bigotry among the protesters. We request that the administration's claims of anti-semitism or conduct amounting to hateful treatment be rigorously substantiated, rather than being allowed to remain in the domain of rumor, where they are used to authorize extraordinary actions whose damage to the reputation of this university will be long-lasting and even irrecoverable. Throughout the day, NYU campus security made the environment more and more repressive by putting up barricades, filming protesters, and not allowing students and faculty into the plaza. The violence escalated further with the arrival of the armed and armored NYPD, who were hostile and intimidating toward protesters, some of which were engaged in prayer. With a phalanx of cop vans lining Greene Street in front of our department, and a police helicopter hovering overhead, followed by an increased carceral climate in the days since--including new ID checks and a wall--you and your administration are making it more and more difficult to teach and work at NYU.

Despite the climate of hostility in recent days, let us not forget the real reason why students and faculty are protesting. As the International Court of Justice ruled in January, Israel's destruction of Gaza amounts to “plausible genocide.” Over 33,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military over the last seven months in Gaza. As for university life there, it no longer exists. Every single university in Gaza has been destroyed by bombs. Palestinian students don't have the luxury of protesting because so many of them are dead.

We call on you to drop all charges and threats of recrimination against any NYU person participating in Monday's action, previous actions, and the ongoing movement for peace and justice in Palestine. Instead we hope that you will protect and support all members of the NYU community, particularly students whose visa status may put them at risk, as well as contract and untenured faculty and staff, who are especially susceptible to acts of retaliation by the administration.

Protest and political speech have been a valuable part of campus life in America for generations, at NYU and elsewhere. From Black and women's liberation, to queer and trans movements, to struggles for Indigenous rights and recognition, to anti-capitalism and environmentalism, along with many other movements, students and faculty have long been an important voice for peace and justice. NYU’s proud claim to be “in and of the city” rests on its affiliations with these movements. We hope you will redirect your administrative priorities away from criminalizing protesters and building walls, and toward the higher virtues of peace and democratic freedom.


The undersigned faculty in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication:

Isra Ali
Jamie Skye Bianco
Paula Chakravartty
Lily Chumley
Allen Feldman
Nicole R. Fleetwood
Alexander R. Galloway
Brett J. Gary
Lisa Gitelman
Radha S. Hegde
Ted Magder
Mara Mills
Nicholas Mirzoeff
Kelli Moore
Susan Murray
Laine Nooney
Juan Piñón
Whit Pow
Arvind Rajagopal
Erica Robles-Anderson
Martin R. Scherzinger
Natasha D. Schüll
Marita Sturken
Helga Tawil-Souri
j. Siguru Wahutu
​​Angela Xiao Wu

Badiou and The Continuum Hypothesis

(Previously) ...Next, the mea culpa. It concerns Badiou's position on the Continuum Hypothesis. In 1878 Georg Cantor offered a hypothesis about the continuum, essentially a hypothesis about the nature of continuous number. More specifically the hypothesis concerned Cantor's famous two sizes of infinity and the relation between them. After establishing the position of the smaller infinity, the infinity of rational or arithmetical number, Cantor hypothesized that the "next highest" number would be his larger infinity, the infinity of real or geometric number. I write next highest in scare quotes because the question of size and even counting itself stops making intuitive sense after transgressing the threshold of finitude.

If you're looking for a more technical statement of the CH, here is a helpful one by Mary Tiles from her excellent book The Philosophy of Set Theory: An Historical Introduction to Cantor's Paradise (p. 1):

"20 = ℵ1, which has come to be known as Cantor's continuum hypothesis, thus says that the number of points on a line is the second infinite cardinal number: there are none in between ℵ0 and 20."

Okay, so the CH has a long history in mathematics and I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge of the underlying math is wobbly at best. But let's establish the basics at the outset. Continue reading