Talk:Hand-Written Letters

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Hand-written letters depend on the postal service (or some other form of delivery), penmanship, time, etc.

Mail is sort of a bad weather situation.

Letter Writing is an analog form of communication

Post-cards were a form of short communication.... a note as opposed to a letter.

Postcards as a way to hack letter writing?

Public/Private nature of letters vs. post-cards

Death: This mode of mediation has not so much died as evolved into a very different form of communication. Letters have become electronic mail, post-cards twitter, and everything much more "efficient." Of course some forms of more traditional letter-writing still remain, particularly in more formal customs, such as thank you notes, in which a sense of personalization is desired.

Although written, word-based communication has become more "efficient" one wonders if that may be missing out on some of the more important or desirable elements of writing. What has been lost by making everything electronic?