New French Philosophy and Media Theory
A conversation with Bernard Stiegler
April 2nd, 7:00 pm, La Maison Française, 16 Washington Mews, New York.
Bernard Stiegler, Philosopher and Director of the Department of Cultural
Development at the Centre Georges-Pompidou, Paris. Founder of Ars
Industrialis (a group dedicated to the "industrial politics of spirit").
His writings have been broadly influential on the study of time, labor,
capitalism, media theory, and psychopower. They include: La technique et
le temps (3 vols. 1994-2001; trans. Technics and Time, 1: The Fault of
Epimetheus [Stanford UP, 1998]); De la misère symbolique (2004);
Mécréance et Discrédit (2006); Economie de l'hypermatériel et
psychopouvoir (2008); and Prendre soin: De la jeunesse et des
générations (2008).
Avital Ronell, Professor of German, English and Comparative Literature,
NYU. Author of The Test Drive (2005); Stupidity (2003); The Telephone
Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech (1989)
Alexander Galloway, Professor of Media, Culture and Communication, NYU.
Author of Protocol: How Control Exists After Decentralization (MIT,
2004), Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture (Minnesota, 2006).
Emily Apter, Professor of French, English and Comparative Literature,
NYU. Author of The Translation Zone: A New Comparative Literature (2006)
Emily Apter, Department of French, English and Comparative Literature,
Denis Hollier, Department of French, Alexander Galloway, Department of
Media, Culture and Communication, and Ben Kafka, Department of Media,
Culture and Communication.