A Dialogue on New French Philosophy: Judith Butler & Catherine Malabou
"You Be My Body For Me: Hegelian modes of Detachment and Substitution"
7-9pm, March 4, 2010, Hemmerdinger Hall, 100 Washington Sq. E., New York University
Judith Butler is a philosopher and professor of rhetoric and comparative
literature at UC Berkeley; author of several books including Gender
Trouble, Bodies That Matter, and most recently Frames of War.
Catherine Malabou is a philosopher and professor at Université de Paris
X-Nanterre; author of several books including The Future of Hegel, What
Should We Do With Our Brain?, and Le Change Heidegger.
Emily Apter, Department of French, English and Comparative Literature,
Denis Hollier, Department of French, Alexander Galloway, Department of
Media, Culture and Communication, and Ben Kafka, Department of Media,
Culture and Communication.
Part of an ongoing series at NYU on new French philosophy. This event is
sponsored by: the Department of Comparative Literature; the Department
of French; the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication; the
Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality; and the Humanities